INCREASED OPTIONS, DECREASED ITEMS: Avoid purchasing numerous items by utilizing a single product for all odor removal needs. For example, apply dry granules to solid and liquid messes, prepare a spray bottle for fabric spritzing, or dilute in water for cleaning large surfaces.
EFFECTIVE INDOORS AND OUT: Our fragrant granular formula is uniquely versatile for all environments and peculiar applications. Not all odors are a standard affair.
WHERE YOU NEED IT: Home, Cabin, Business, Tractor trailer, RV, Boat. Add to washing machine for work clothes, shop rags, gym clothes. Add to carpet cleaner & pressure washer. Rinse out drains & garbage disposal. Wash down locker room, shower & equipment.
FOR PEOPLE & PLANET: Non-toxic, Chemical-free, Non-combustible. 99% Intelligent Salt and 1% Pure Plant-based Fragrant Oils. The Natural fragrance effectively disassembles odor molecules so your nose doesn’t recognize them – Guaranteed.
WHY YOU NEED IT: Naturally deters bacteria. Use for Dead animal, Urine, Poop, Vomit, Smoke, Gas, Paint, Moth balls, Sour, Sweat, Cooking odors, and more.